Category: Internet

Surf Online Securely and Anonymously using IP Privacy [Review]

Surf Online Securely and Anonymously using IP Privacy [Review]

Everybody who goes online is always concerned about their privacy. After all, nobody wants to show their identity online, as you never know who may be keeping track of your online activities and may...

Yahoo Meme Opens Door to Everyone

Yahoo Meme Opens Door to Everyone

We reviewed Yahoo Meme a while ago here at My Technology Guide and gave out invites to Yahoo’s “Twitter-like” Meme service. The service was in private beta, i.e. was available to a select number of users through invite...

Gmail is Down Again

Gmail is Down Again

Gmail is down again this morning. Frustration is spreading quickly via Twitter, as some users can’t access their email at all, while others are facing problem accessing their contacts and using chat. Google has acknowledged...