WordPress 2.9.1 Released

WordPress 2.9 has now been updated to 2.9.1. This upgrade will take care of many bugs that were found in the earlier version. Some of the bugs that were found in 2.9 and which are taken care of in the latest version 2.9.1 are as follows:

  • could not be converted to UTF-8 / WordPress should cache failed feed fetches so as to avoid overloading feed sources
  • cron stopped working with standard configuration
  • '$wpdb' typo in wp-admin/maint/repair.php causing table prefix not to appear
  • Upload Handling. Use is_numeric instead of ctype_digit.
  • Need confirmation/undo/something for media delete

The complete list of issues taken care off can be found here.

The excerpt below is taken from the official WordPress blog:

This release addresses a handful of minor issues as well as a rather annoying problem where scheduled posts and pingbacks are not processed correctly due to incompatibilities with some hosts.  If any of these issues affect you, give 2.9.1 a try.  Download 2.9.1 or upgrade automatically from the Tools->Upgrade menu in your blog’s admin area.

This release does resolves a lot of issues present in WordPress 2.9. If you are facing problems with 2.9 you should upgrade your WordPress to 2.9.1

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