How to Enable Dark Theme in Windows 10 Anniversary Update
So you got the new Windows 10 Anniversary Update? Wondering how to enable the new Dark theme? Here’s a step by step guide on how to enable Dark theme in the new Anniversary Update.
Are you someone who finds the default theme too bright? Are you looking for a darker theme? If your answer is “yes” to those questions, then you will definitely like the new Dark mode that came with the new Windows 10 Anniversary Update.
How to enable Dark theme in Windows 10?
Follow the step by step guide below to easily enable Windows 10’s Dark theme.
First of all you need to open the Settings app. You can easily launch the Settings app by pressing the Windows Key + I together on the keyboard.
In the Settings app window, click on Personalization, and then from the left pane select Colors.
On the right pane, scroll down to the bottom till you see a section titled “Choose your app mode”. In this section, you will see two options; “Light” and “Dark”. Select the “Dark” option here. Instantly, you will see the new Dark theme mode applied.
If you also want to make everything consistent with the Dark mode, you need to make sure that the options “Show color on Start, taskbar, and action center” and the “Show color on title bar” are turned off, as shown in the image below.
Now, scroll back to the top of the window. You’ll notice colored tiles related to accent color. Now, here you need to make your own personal choice. Choose a color here that you think goes nicely with the Dark theme.
You can always let Windows 10 apply an accent color automatically by keeping the “Automatically pick an accent color from my background” option enabled.
The new Dark theme mode should now be active across Windows 10. Remember, you will only find the Dark mode applied to modern, or metro, or UWP apps only. You will not see the Dark mode applied on traditional desktop apps. Whether you will see the Dark mode applied to third-party apps entirely depends if the app is built to support the Dark theme mode of Windows 10.
Do you like the Dark theme mode of Windows 10? Share with us your experiences through your comments below.